• Languages
    English / French
  • Location
    La Rochelle, Paris
  • Accreditations
    EQUIS / License degree / AACSB / RNCP Level 6
  • Qualifications
    Bachelor (4 years of higher education)
    International qualification, possibility of a double qualification, State-accredited VISA and Grade de licence
  • Start date

BBA International

The BBA International is the perfect choice for those looking to work in a multinational organisation or a company with a strong international presence. 

The programme offers threefold recognition:

-Grade de licence and VISA from MESRI
-AACSB and EQUIS accreditations
-Awarding of an international university qualification

The BBA International is the perfect choice for those looking to work in a multinational organisation or a company with a strong international presence. 

The programme offers threefold recognition:

-Grade de licence and VISA from MESRI
-AACSB and EQUIS accreditations
-Awarding of an international university qualification


  • Overview
  • Study Tracks
  • Programme Content
  • Experiences
  • Careers
  • Cost of studies
  • Admission
  • Valérie Pasturel
    Director of the BBA International Valérie Pasturel

    The BBA International programme has a very clear ambition, namely to educate future managers, entrepreneurs, and leaders with the skills to actively and positively transform international organisations. 

    The international dimension of the programme is further enhanced through multicultural year groups and close working relations with Faculty from all over the world. By combining this diversity with a wealth of international experiences, you will acquire in-depth knowledge in intercultural and international management, founded on solid values and hands-on projects.

    What really sets this programme apart is the flexibility it offers, with a variety of study tracks giving you the opportunity to ‘customise’ your learning experience to suit your ambitions and plans for the future. 

    In short, Excelia Business School’s BBA International is not just a study programme, it’s a life-changing experience, preparing you to become one of the key players not only in today’s world but in that of tomorrow.


    Why choose Excelia's BBA International?

    100% intercultural 

    • Academic partners spread across 35 countries (Europe, Oceania, Africa, the Americas)
    • 55% of BBA students are international, representing over 50 different nationalities
    • Opportunity to learn a 3rd Modern Language (Chinese, Korean, Russian, Japanese) 
    • Possibility of studying 100% in English 

    Up to 3.5 years of international experience

    • Possibility of expatriation to Singapore, USA or Australia from Year 1 of the programme 
    • Possibility of expatriation to Germany in Year 2 and Year 3 
    • 1 year of expatriation for all students in Year 3
    • Up to 12 months of internship experience abroad

    Academic excellence and responsible pedagogy

    • Intimate year groups, personalised support and guidance
    • Innovative teaching methods designed to meet the challenges of the Ecological & Social Transition: ILE® (Immersive Learning Experience), XL Factory, Sulitest certification 
    • 5 months of civic and humanitarian projects: Humacité© and Climacité© initiatives 
    • A choice of 17 international double qualifications 


    Recognition and Rankings

    • Triple accreditation: EQUIS, AACSB and CEFDG (State-accredited VISA from MESRI)
    • 3rd place in L’Étudiant ranking
    • 1st place in the MOCI ranking
    • 6th place in the Challenges ranking of 4-year post-High School programmes 
    • 7th place in Le Point 2024 ranking
    • RNCP Level 6 professional certification


    A choice of study location: La Rochelle or Paris

    You have the possibility of carrying out your studies in La Rochelle or in Paris, and of changing between these campuses the following year.

    More about La Rochelle campus

    More about Paris campus


    Expatriation opportunities 

    • BBA Freshman International Path: Singapore, USA or Australia

    BBA International PathEnjoy an international learning experience right from Year 1!

    Start your higher education studies at one of our partner universities right from the start of the 2024 academic year




    Good to know

    The BBA International offered by Excelia Business School is one of the most internationally focussed programmes of its kind, paving the way for international careers. It offers a unique opportunity to acquire valuable linguistic skills in business English, particularly in the fields of international trade, marketing and management. Embark on an exciting and rewarding expatriation experience right from Year 1, studying at one of the best universities in the world!


    • Early Immersion Track - Germany

    RegensburgAn opportunity to study in France AND in Germany, leading to a double qualification!

    This business and management programme is one of the most international in France, providing the best possible springboard for an international career. You will acquire all the necessary skills to become a versatile, inquisitive manager with a global outlook. Through a partnership with the Franco-German University (FGU) network, this exchange programme with OTH Regensburg or the University of Applied Science Fachhochschule Dortmund offers you the opportunity to obtain an internationally recognised double qualification.

    Contact us


    Choose from 100 partner universities in 35 countries for your university exchange year abroad 

    • The Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States
    • Western Europe: Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom
    • Northern Europe: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden
    • Southern Europe: Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey
    • Eastern Europe: Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia
    • Asia: China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore
    • Oceania: Australia
    • Middle East: Bahrain, United Arab Emirates


    • Year 1 (one year of post-High School education)

    • Year 2 (two years of post-High School education)

    • Year 3 (three years of post-High School education)

    • Year 4 (four years of post-High School education)

    Year 1 (one year of post-High School education)

    Year 2 (two years of post-High School education)

    Year 3 (three years of post-High School education)

    Year 4 (four years of post-High School education)

    Programme structure

    BBA Global WORLDWIDE OR Early Immersion Track - La Rochelle or Paris Français Anglais German

    September - April: Lessons
    April- June: Internship or Humacité© project

    BBA Freshman International Path – SINGAPORE  Langue : Anglais

    Mid-Aug - Mid-Dec: Lessons
    January - Mid-May:  Lessons
    July - August: Humacité© project

    Students who choose the Freshman International Path in Year 1 then join Year 2 of the BBA International programme in La Rochelle or Paris 

    BBA Freshman International Path – San Diego, USA  Langue : Anglais

    September- Mid-Dec: Lessons
    Mid-Feb - Mid-May:  Lessons
    June - July: Humacité© project

    Students who choose the Freshman International Path in Year 1 then join Year 2 of the BBA International programme in La Rochelle or Paris

    BBA Freshman International Path – Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA Langue : Anglais

    Mid-July - Mid-Nov: Lessons
    Mid-Feb - June:  Lessons
    July: Humacité© project

    Students who choose the Freshman International Path in Year 1 then join Year 2 of the BBA International programme in La Rochelle or Paris

    BBA Global WORLDWIDE – La Rochelle or Paris Français Anglais

    September - April: Lessons
    May - July: Internship or Humacité© project

    Early Immersion Track with our German partner OTH Regensburg Langue : Anglais German

    September - Feb: Lessons in Regensburg
    March - Aug: Internship (outside France) via OTH Regensburg agreement

    BBA Global WORLDWIDE – La Rochelle or Paris Français Anglais

    September - May: Academic expatriation* (possibility of double qualification)
    June - July  Climacité© project  

    *Students choosing an EU destination are eligible for an ERASMUS+ grant

    Early Immersion Track with our german partner OTH Regensburg Langue : Anglais German

    September - February: Lessons in Regensburg
    March - August: International internship via Excelia agreement

    BBA Global WORLDWIDE – La Rochelle or Paris Français Anglais

    September - December: Lessons
    January - July:  International management-level internship (6 months)

    BBA International – Early immersion track Langue : Anglais German

    September - Dec: Lessons
    Jan - March: Lessons
  • Courses

    Year 1

    Global WORLDWIDE - French Track or English Track



    • Fundamentals of Marketing 
    • Business Game
    • Business Analysis using Excel
    • Management of HR & Organisations 
    • Principles of Economics: Introduction 

    Geopolitics & World Knowledge

    • Geopolitical zone: European Union –  Challenges & Diversity
    • British civilisation: England 
    • The Challenges of Climate Change: the case of water


    • 1st Modern Language
    • Communicating in English 
    • TOEFL training
    • 2nd Modern Language
    • 3rd Modern Language (optional)                          

    Personal Development                              

    • Embarking on your Career
    • Group Coaching

    Experiential Learning

    • Association-based, artistic, sporting or cultural project (SCAP)
    • Consultancy Project
    • Series of Lectures




    • Principles of Accounting
    • International Marketing
    • Organisational Behaviour 
    • Legal Framework of a Business
    • Principles of Economics: challenges of sustainability

    Geopolitics & World Knowledge

    • Geopolitical zone: The Americas 
    • Geopolitical Science Methodology
    • Climatology, Water, & Environment


    • 1st Modern Language
    • Communicating in English 
    • TOEFL training 
    • 2nd Modern Language
    • 3rd Modern Language (optional)                             

    Personal Development                              

    • Group Coaching
    • Building your Personal Brand

    Experiential Learning

    • ‘First Professional Experience’ internship or Humacité© project
    • Tech Weeks
    • Association-based, artistic, sporting or cultural project (SCAP) 
    • Series of Lectures         


    BBA Freshman International Path 

    • Business in a Global Environment
    • Principles of Economics
    • Human Resources Management
    • Marketing
    • Information Systems in Organisations
    • Business Law
    • Management Concepts and Application
    • Ethical Decision-making in Business
    • Professional and Academic Skills for Business
    Year 2

    Global WORLDWIDE - French Track or English Track



    • International Trade Techniques
    • Business Processes & Operations Management
    • Intercultural Management 
    • Financial Management 
    • International Economics & Sustainable Development

    Geopolitics & World Knowledge

    • Geopolitical zone: Asia – Challenges & Diversity
    • New Methods of Responsible Consumption: the issue of water


    • 1st Modern Language
    • PrepMyFuture (TOEFL preparation)
    • Communicating in English
    • 2nd Modern Language
    • 3rd Modern Language (optional)              

    Personal Development                                            

    • Oral Defence of Year 1 Internship
    • Building your Personal Brand
    • Group coaching

    Experiential Learning

    • Series of Lectures           




    • Supply Chain Management 
    • Introduction to Research
    • Fundamentals of Information Systems & Digital Transformation
    • Fundamentals of Management Control
    • Market Research

    Geopolitics & World Knowledge

    • Geopolitical zone: Asia - Challenges & Diversity 


    • 1st Modern Language
    • Communicating in English
    • 2nd Modern Language
    • 3rd Modern Language (optional)  

    Personal Development                                            

    • Group Coaching
    • Building a better world together
    • Preparation for internships and other projects

    Experiential Learning

    • ‘Explore the world’ Internship or Humacité© project
    • Tech Weeks
    • Series of Lectures


    Year 3

    Academic Expatriation

    The third year is the year of academic expatriation abroad, during which students will take specific courses at the partner university where they will be hosted

    Year 4

    Global WORLDWIDE - French Track or English Track


    Core course modules                                 

    • International Business Game
    • Dissertation Methodology
    • Dissertation
    • International Strategic Management & CSR

    Geopolitics & World Knowledge 

    • Geopolitical zone: Africa & Middle East – Challenges & Diversity 

    Personal Development                                            

    • Workshop & Masterclass
    • Oral presentation: Preparation and Defence
    • Individual Coaching



    International Sales Management 

    • Innovation Marketing & Value Co-creation
    • Global Account Management
    • Distribution, Channel Management & e-commerce
    • Brand Management & Merchandising
    • International Sales Management

    International Corporate Finance                             

    • Auditing Techniques
    • Financial Markets
    • Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Sustainable Finance 
    • Corporate Governance & Ethics
    • Data Visualisation Dashboard


    NGOs, Lobbying and International Relations

    • Strategic Management & Leadership in NGOs 
    • NGO Marketing Strategy - NGO Lobbying & Advocacy 
    • Introduction to Human Rights 
    • Introduction to International Cooperation & Organisations 
    • Fundamentals of International Relations 
    • NGO Fundraising Techniques



    Core Course Modules                                

    • Dissertation in English 

    Personal Development                                            

    • Workshop & Masterclass

    Experiential Learning   

    • ‘Build My Future Career’ end-of-studies internship                            

    The different courses and projects are provided for indicative purposes only and are subject to change from one year to the next. The specialisations offered will only be available if the required minimum number of students is reached.



    All you need to know about languages, assessment, lessons and your teachers


    • International students enrolled right from Year 1: more than 50 different nationalities on the programme
    • Global WORLDWIDE French Track: 80% of the teaching in French, 20% in English
    • Global WORLDWIDE English Track: 100% English available from Year 1 (a specific level of English is required for this track)
    • 1st Modern Language: English
    • 2nd Modern Language: German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese
    • 3rd Modern Language: a choice of languages, depending on enrolment numbers
    • TOEIC and TOEFL preparation lessons
    • TOIS: Test Of Intercultural Skills in partnership with ISIT


    Three types of evaluation:

    • Continuous assessment: 40% of the final mark
      Throughout the year, you will work on group or individual projects, which will be marked by your teachers.
    • End-of-semester exams: 60% of the final mark
      These take the form of written exams.
    • Oral presentation (defence) and end-of-studies dissertation:
      The Oral is a presentation of your studies and your future studies or your professional project. Concurrently, you will also have to write a dissertation in English based on a company case study.

    Types of lessons:

    • Your core course modules are taught as amphitheatre lessons, with your entire Year Group. In addition, you will also have tutorials in smaller groups, depending on your chosen specialisation, language ability etc. Your lessons will include games, drama and other educational activities. You will also have the opportunity to attend lectures and Masterclasses, and to participate in several business games with other international students.
    • In Year 1, Thursday afternoons are set aside for the School’s Clubs and Associations: your involvement is greatly encouraged and highly valued as part of your learning experience.


    More information about our teaching Faculty 

    Your teachers:

    The teaching Faculty of the BBA International is made up of French and international research-active Faculty members who are recognised for their strong expertise in the fields of management and geopolitics.
    The research-active Faculty work with our laboratory, Excelia Lab, offering students innovative pedagogy. In addition, the industry professionals who teach on the programme focus on real-life business issues.


    Career development and professionalisation:

    • An experiential learning initiative, with lessons about the employment market in the different parts of the world.
    • Workshops to train you in the techniques and use of social media.
    • Real-life development and consultancy projects provided by companies to support them in their decision-making processes.
    • Developing your professional network in France and abroad.
  • Your experiences


    Business Game

    Carried out as a company game, students work in teams to tackle and solve real-life business issues.


    Academic Expatriation 

    • By choosing the Freshman International Path in the first year of the BBA International you will have the opportunity to study for 1 year at one of our 3 international partner universities (Singapore, USA or Australia)
    • Academic expatriation to an international partner university, which is compulsory in Year 3 of the BBA International, gives you the opportunity to study for either 1 academic year at the same university (in pursuit of a double qualification) or 2 semesters at 2 different international universities; students who select an EU destination are eligible for an ERASMUS+ grant  


    Academic Expatriation: 1 whole year or 2 individual semesters

    Academic expatriation to an international partner university gives you the opportunity to study for 1 academic year at the same international university in pursuit of a double qualification, or 2 semesters at 2 different international universities. Students who select an EU destination are eligible for an ERASMUS+ grant.

    Discover our partner universities


    Excelia and the Franco-German University (FGU): a choice of 2 destinations

    Students on the BBA International can carry out academic expatriation either at the OTH Regensburg or at the University of Applied Science Fachhochschule Dortmund, with the opportunity of studying for a double qualification.

    Find out more about Excelia-FGU partnership

    Students selecting this track are eligible for a FGU scholarship.


    3rd Modern Language

    Right from Year 1, you have the possibility of studying a third modern language (from Beginner Level), with the choice* of Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or French (for international students).
    *Depending on enrolment numbers


    Humacité© Project and Climacité© Project: 3 months and 2 months

    You have the opportunity to undertake 2 voluntary projects, in an NGO or an association, either in France or abroad. Such projects are unique features of Excelia, which is committed to educating students to become future managers who are socially and environmentally responsible and conscious of the importance of their role in society.

    Find out more about Humacité©

    Find out more about Climacité©


    Internships: 12 - 15 months

    Carrying out company-based internships abroad is one of the important features of the BBA International. By the end of your studies, you will have acquired 12 – 15 months of real company-based experience.

    Student Clubs and Associations

    You have the possibility of getting involved in one of Excelia’s many clubs and associations (sports, culture, arts, etc.), enabling you to develop your skills and knowledge in a supportive and vocationally oriented environment. In addition, it is a great way to settle into school life and experience something unique.


    Group Coaching + Personalised Support and Guidance from a Mentor

    Throughout your studies, you will benefit from personalised support and guidance. The School offers workshops structured around personal development (self-awareness and self-assertion), communication tools (such as CVs and cover letters), understanding the job market, learning about different careers and developing your professional network. In addition, you will receive personal mentoring from industry professionals whose jobs reflect your professional project. These mentors will help you to both evaluate the current job market and to develop your career strategy.


    Busidays : International Marketing Week

    As part of a team made up of European students studying on a Bachelor programme, you will spend a week working on a specific theme at one of our European partner universities.


    Visits to French institutions

    As this programme is also delivered on Excelia’s Paris campus, we offer our students the opportunity to visit major French institutions such as the Senate.


    The different experiences throughout the programme

    Depending on the track, the options and the specialisations you select, you will have the opportunity to live some of the experiences listed below. These highlights of the programme are complementary to your lessons.


    Year 1

    • Studying geopolitical zones ‘Europe’ and ‘The Americas’, Tech Weeks, ‘Live your first experience’ internship or Humacité® project 
    • Business Game, Personalised Support and Guidance from a Mentor
    • Involvement in Student Clubs and Associations

    Year 2

    • Studying a Geopolitical Zone: Asia, Tech Weeks, Internship abroad, Busidays
    • Preparation for your Business Development Project, Personalised Support and Guidance from a Mentor
    • Involvement in Student Clubs and Associations, "Explore the world" international internship or Humacité© project 

    Year 3

    • Academic Expatriation, Climacité© project

    Year 4

    • Studying the Geopolitical Zone: ‘Africa & Middle East’, ‘Build my future career’  internship abroad 
    • International Strategic Business Game, Oral Presentation and End-of-studies Dissertation in English
  • Careers

    Career opportunities after the BBA International  

    After the BBA International, you can go straight into the job market or continue your studies on a wide range of Master programmes in France or abroad, thereby acquiring a total of 5 years of extensive multilingual and management education.

    Our graduates go on to become Executive Managers in all sectors of activity, across the 5 continents.


    Types of jobs:

    • International Business Development Manager
    • International Project Manager
    • International Marketing Manager
    • Digital Marketing Manager  
    • International Communications Manager
    • International Product Manager
    • Financial Analyst  
    • Business Analyst 
    • International Purchasing Manager
    • Export Market Manager 


    Facts & Figures

    • 90% find a job with an international dimension
    • 76% secure a job contract before graduating


    Salary after a BBA International

    • 38K€ average annual salary after 3 years in the workplace


    Further studies

    In line with their personal projects, some of our graduates decide to continue their studies. Here are a few examples of our Alumni who have gone on to study on some prestigious programmes:

    • Marie Louise Galoisy: MSc Supply Chain & Sustainability Management, Glasgow, Scotland 
    • Alexis Guimbaud: MSc Supply Chain & Sustainability Management, Glasgow, Scotland
    • Aurèle Bachoux: Behavioural Economics, Paris-Sorbonne
    • Pauline Hascoët: MSc Finance, London School of Economics and Political Science
    • Arthur Chevrere Pocquet: MSc Finance, London School of Economics and Political Science
    • Lisa Blanchard: DESS in International Studies (specialising in Culture, Conflict and Peace) at the University of Montreal
    • Sadreddine Khechine: Msc in Digital Marketing at ESCP Business School, Madrid 
    • Robin Simeray : Msc in Corporate Finance & Banking at EDHEC 
    • Raphaelle Cario : Msc in Consulting & Strategy at EDHEC 
  • Tuition Fees


    Students from within the European Union*

    • Year 1: €12,400
    • Year 1 BBA Freshman International Path: €15.000 + additional fees depending on chosen university 
    • Year 2: €12,400
    • Year 3: €12,400
    • Year 4: €12,400

    * 27 European Union members: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France and French Overseas Territories, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.


    Students from outside the European Union

    • Year 1: €12,400
    • Year 1 BBA Freshman International Path: €15.000 + additional fees depending on chosen university 
    • Year 2: €12,400
    • Year 3: €12,400
    • Year 4: €12,400


    Multiservice charge

    Fee: €250

    This one-off Multiservice fee gives access to the following services: Multimedia and Internet network, Cyberlibris (online library), Student Identity Card, Reprographics credit, Intranet, e-learning modules, Wi-Fi, Career Centre activities and services, International Insurance-Assistance (for any periods spent abroad during the period covered by this contract), University library, University Medical Service, etc.


    Financing your studies

    International Students

    For more information about the cost of studying


    Calculate the cost of studying in France

    Click here!

  • Open to students with a High School qualification (or international equivalent). Personal motivation interview is carried out by internet via our dedicated platform (day and time of your choice).

    Application fee: €50


    BBA Freshman International Path 

    Once you have successfully passed the entrance tests, you will have the opportunity to apply for the Freshman International Path, so that you can spend Year 1 at one of our partner universities in Singapore, USA or Australia.

    Admissions Requirements

    • Be at least 18 years old in the year of application
    • Hold a High School qualification (baccalaureate or international equivalent)
    • Copy of passport
    • CV in English 
    • Cover letter in English 
    • Have medical insurance valid for the duration of the programme 
    • Application deadline: June 2024

    Open to students with a minimum of 1 year post-High School education or international equivalent (60 ECTS). Personal motivation interview is carried out by internet via our dedicated platform (day and time of your choice).

    Application fee: €50


    Open to students with a minimum of 2 years post-High School education or international equivalent (120 ECTS). Personal motivation interview is carried out by internet via our dedicated platform (day and time of your choice)

    Application fee: €50


Testimonials from Excelians
BBA International
Excelia helped me to understand myself, to surpass myself… and to discover the world!
Read testimonial
BBA International
I didn't expect to find the Clubs and Associations playing such an important part in student life or for all students, within the School, to get on so well together.
Read testimonial
BBA International
The core course content provided by the BBA is supplemented with savoir-faire and interpersonal skills. These are essential for working with intercultural teams.
Read testimonial

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