The School’s goal is to have an institutional and economic impact on territories of its ecosystem, to be a benchmark for its innovative pedagogy and its values, an ethical and socially responsible player contributing internationally.
A word from the Dean
With our four campuses, Excelia is a school committed to excellence, vocational relevance, and responsibility, making it one of France’s most ambitious, dynamic, and innovative business schools!
A commitment to excellence… because our business and management school, which is a member of the CGE and CDEFM, ensures that its programmes meet the highest quality standards, both in France and internationally, and boasts EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA accreditations, a triple crown held by only a few hundred other business schools in the world.
A great place to learn!
A commitment to vocational relevance… because, from start to finish, our pedagogical approach is based on the premise of sustainable employability for all students, so they enter the job market with ease and enjoy a successful lifelong career, whether through initial education or continuing professional development, which starts right here at our school!
A great place to build a career!
A commitment to responsibility… because since it was founded, Excelia Business School has been a forerunner in meeting the challenges of modern times: producing, transmitting and sharing knowledge and experiences that contribute to the sustainable performance of organisations and businesses, and to the future of young people, companies, and our planet.
A great place to forge the values of commitment and action, for oneself and for the common good!
Whether you are a student, a manager, a company, or a business partner, I hope that this welcome message and the site’s contents will arouse in you the same passion that we have at Excelia Business School, namely a passion for education focussed on our common future!
Prof. Tamym Abdesssemed
Director and Dean of Excelia Business School
Our Governance
Excelia Business School’s governance structure comprises its Executive Committee, an International Advisory Board, and a Research Advisory Board.
Business School Management Committee
This committee (known in French as CODIR) implements the policies determined by the Board of Governors, paying close attention to the quality of the processes and also to their economic viability. -
International Advisory Board
This board is made up of leading international figures from both the academic and the corporate world. Its role is to analyse Excelia Business School’s medium- and long-term issues, evaluate key challenges, and recommend major areas for strategic policy to the Dean. -
Research Scientific Committee
This board provides the link between the key stakholders... students on the one hand, companies on the other. It is made up of two colleges (Academic and Business), representatives from Excelia’s research-active Faculty, and external members chosen for their research expertise in the fields of business and management.
Our Mission
Excelia Business School, creator and disseminator of knowledge, has a mission to :
Train learners to become responsible professionals and prepare them for lifelong employability, and to contribute to:
- The transformation of organisations,
- The development of its regions.
5 PHARE values
The five values of Excelia are:
- Partage (translated as sharing),
- Humanism,
- Audace (translated as courage),
- Responsibility,
- Engagement
… giving the acronym PHARE (in the image of a light house providing guiding light) to guide the development of the strategic plan.
These values have been defined across five constituent groups, learners, staff, alumni, enterprises, and regional partners. They challenge and guide Excelia Business School in choosing its vision and strategic orientation, areas of activity and objectives.
Our Stragegic orientations
School’s 4 strategic orientations are:
- Assert our positioning in terms of CSR and Sustainable Development
Be a pioneer in the economic, environmental and climate issues of tomorrow
Ensure our everyday actions fully respect the environment and reduce our environmental impact - Develop activities with significant added value, for the benefit of our local regions
The School is firmly rooted in its local regions and is actively involved in its development and dynamism. In line with their needs, the School provides support and guidance to companies within its local regions in terms of economic, environmental and societal transformation - Build a differentiating, diversified, sustainable model
Pertinence and responsibility are at the heart of our development: creation of value/s and relationships over the long term, for our learners, partners, personnel, companies and local regions - Accelerate our internationalisation
Spread our model to new geographical zones, promote mobility to strengthen our adaptability and our openness to diversity