Promoting mobility of both students and faculty members, as well as all personnel working in higher education institutions.
Erasmus+ is the European programme for education, training, youth and sport. It promotes the mobility of both students and faculty members, as well as all personnel working in higher education institutions. It specifically aims to improve employability by developing the skills of all concerned, to support innovation and to develop the international dimension of educational establishments.Erasmus+ is accessible to students of Excelia, as well as to students from our partner institutions. Excelia is a signatory of the Erasmus+ 2014-2020 Charter, which enables students not only to study on an exchange programme but also to benefit from an associated grant.
Contact Mrs Delphine Joumard, Erasmus+ coordinator
Where you can study
The Erasmus+ programme comprises 32 participating countries of which 27 are member states of the European Union. Students therefore have the opportunity of studying in the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom.
To be able to take part in the Erasmus+ exchange programme, you must be enrolled and registered at one of the partner institutions that have signed an agreement with Excelia. Exchange duration and academic recognition As a student from one of our partner institutions, you will spend at least 3 months studying at Excelia. This period of study will be recognised by your home institution, subject to passing the exams. This is done through the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which allows any credits obtained, as part of your Erasmus+ programme, to be validated.
As a student at Excelia, if you are carrying out an internship, you can also benefit from an Erasmus+ grant, subject to certain conditions. These grants are financed by the European Union and the New Aquitaine region. Please note: there is no automatic entitlement to a grant. Contact the International Relations Office, to find out if you are eligible for this grant.
Excelia provides facilities for people who are disabled or those with reduced mobility. In addition, they benefit from specific arrangements concerning examinations, help and advice, a designated contact person etc. As part of the Erasmus+ programme, extra funding may be available. To benefit from this additional funding, you must apply at least one month before the start of your Erasmus+ placement.
At Excelia, the international mobility of our faculty is an integral part of both our mission and our pedagogy. This is part of our continual pursuit to improve both the quality and the international dimension of our programmes.
Faculty members have the opportunity of teaching in one of our European partner institutions to share experiences and best practice. All permanent faculty can take part in the Erasmus+ programme, whatever their nationality, and have the possibility of a grant to cover any associated costs linked to this mobility project.
Contact the International Relations Office to find out more about our partner institutions and how you can take part in the programme.
Should you wish to teach on one of the programmes at Excelia, you need to contact the International Relations Office.