Excelia Lab aims to consolidate existing expertise as well as developing and promoting pedagogical dynamism.

Pedagogical innovation, new methods of teaching, production of new educational content and digitalisation of teaching: these are our key challenges at Excelia. With this in mind, two separate structures were created, which have now been in place for several years:
- Innov Case Lab: this case study laboratory was created in 2015, with the aim of strengthening and further developing the pedagogy within our Group. It is well worth mentioning that many of the cases created by our research active faculty has received awards.
- Game Lab: a firm base for ludic-pedagogy by encouraging the creation of pedagogical games (development of board games, serious games etc.) and capitalising on the games created.
Innov Case Lab

Call for papers " Operationalizing CSR " Research and Cases in Management Sciences
The journal RCSG, classified rg 4 Fnege, is the only French academic journal of cases. For more details.
The special issue should be published soon (early 2023), with contributions from in-house authors (Cécile EZVAN) and colleagues from the University of La Rochelle (Florence de FERRAN).
Calls for papers for the two case prizes:
-AFMAT June 2023 in Girona (Spain) and
-RIODD October 2023 (Lille) are available on the websites of our partners and on the CCMP website.
2nd in the series of Manager/Teacher meetings on pedagogical cases
The case centre’s second Business Leader/Teacher meeting was held on Wednesday 24th November 2021 during the General Assembly of the association Rivages de France, which took place at the premises of the Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Council in Marseille. Marie-Noëlle Rimaud and Jérôme Piriou led workshops on how to manage visitor numbers in sensitive natural areas, with a particular focus on the Calanques National Park which was in the spotlight during the summer!
They were warmly welcomed by Didier Réault, President of both the association and of the Calanques National Park, as well as by all the other participating members. The participants had the opportunity to visit two sites, thereby discovering the area first-hand.
This complemented the work that had been carried out with the association over the last few months. The partnership started with the creation of the pedagogical case RIVAGES de FRANCE : comment concilier tourisme durable et gestion de sites naturels sensibles ? (The challenge of reconciling sustainable tourism with the management of natural environments) CCMP reference: D0008 – Available here
In addition, the Director of the association, Florian Geffroy, was invited to take part in the radio programme that Excelia hosts on RCF.
As part of its core values, the case centre attaches great importance to its local region, forging long-term, operational partnerships and consolidating the School's local presence.
♦ 9th Annual AFMAT Conference and Best Pedagogical Case in Tourism Management Award
The 6th edition of the Best Pedagogical Case in Tourism Management Award will take place in May 2022 in Angers, in partnership with ESTHUA (cf. Appendix: Call for entries).
♦ Following the 8th AFMAT Conference, which took place by videoconference on the 27th and 28th May 2021 in partnership with the Institut Paul Bocuse, the AFMAT CCMP INNOV Case Lab award was given to the following case study:
‘Camping 5 étoiles, les Criques de Porteils : de la structuration du marché à la crise sanitaire, comment faire face ? (5-star campsite, Les Criques de Porteils: from market structuring to health crisis, how to cope), K. PICOT-COUPEY M. AUFFRET, IGR-IAE Rennes.
CCMP Ref. M 2119 (Marketing)
READ HERE (French only)
Deliberation was intense, such was the high quality of the competing cases.
The two other finalists were:
‘L'Hôtel Particulier, maison d'hôtes lance son site internet : un parcours client attirant’ (L'Hôtel Particulier, guest house launches its website: an appealing customer experience), C. LEJEALLE, ISC Paris Business School.
CCMP Ref. M 2097 (Marketing)
READ HERE (French only)
‘Théâtre d'Archimède : du contrôle de l'art à l'art du contrôle’ (Archimedes Theatre: from the control of art to the art of control), A. MAZARS-CHAPELON, F. VILLESEQUE-DUBUS, P. AMANS, University of Perpignan and University of Montpellier.
CCMP Ref. C 0480 (Management Control)
READ HERE (French only)
Contacts :
History of the Award
The first case workshop, appointing the winner of the AFMAT / CCMP / INNOV Case Lab award, took place on 30th May 2017 in La Rochelle.
The winning case was: ‘Club Med, Le Bonheur de se révéler’ (Club Med, The Joy of Self-revelation), written by Fabienne Autier-Lafond and Brigitte Auriacombe, from emlyon Business School.
CCMP Ref. H 0632 (Human Resources)
READ HERE (French only)
The AFMAT award was subsequently given for the following cases:
- 2018: ‘TUI optimise le parcours client et l'expérience grâce au chatbot’ (TUI improves the customer experience using a chatbot), written by Catherine Lejealle, ISC Paris Business School.
CCMP Ref. M 1985 (Marketing)
READ HERE (French only)
- 2019: ‘Léman sans Frontière. Collaboration marketing franco-suisse pour le développement d'une destination touristique transfrontalière’ (Lake Geneva Beyond Borders - a Franco-Swiss marketing collaboration to develop a cross-border tourism destination), written by Jérôme Piriou, Excelia Business School, INNOV Case Lab.
CCMP Ref. M 2056 (Marketing)
READ HERE (French only)
- 2020: ‘Marriott, Hilton, IHG, Accor, groupes hôteliers internationaux : développement asset light - Une approche transversale : business model, théories de la firme, finance’ (Marriott, Hilton, IHG, Accor, international hotel groups: Development of an Asset-Light Strategy - A transversal approach: business model, company theory, finance), written by Jean-Claude Oulé, Visiting Professor of Economics and Management from the Université de la Polynésie Française.
- CCMP Ref. F0555 (Finance)
READ HERE (French only
The Organising Committee is chaired by Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD, Head of INNOV Case Lab, Excelia’s case centre
AFMAT representative:
- Marielle SALVADOR-PERIGNON, Institut Paul Bocuse
CCMP representative:
- Valérie THOMAS-DOUBLET, Editorial Manager, CCMP
The Scientific Research Committee is chaired by an AFMAT representative and Jean-François Trinquecoste, Scientific Advisor to INNOV Case Lab, Excelia’s case centre.
Detailed list of the Organising Committee and the Scientific Committee available here.
Faculty Academic Advisors – members of the case centre:
- Isabelle BAUDET
- Poonam OBEROI
- Florence WINKLER
- Jérôme PIRIOU
- Didier ROCHE
- Philippe SCHAFER
Professors who are specialists in case methodology or in tourism management (subject to confirmation):
- Corinne VAN DER YEUGHT, IAE - University de Toulon, member of AFMAT
- Aude DUCROQUET, University of Angers, member of AFMAT
- Sandra CAMUS, University of Angers - ESTHUA
- Véronique MONDOU, University of Angers - ESTHUA
- Sylvie HERTRICH, EM Strasbourg Business School
- Anne QUEFFELEC, research-active faculty member, La Rochelle
- Agnès LE BELLAC, Montpellier Business School
- Tan VOTHANH, Excelia, member of AFMAT
- Jean-Charles RICO, IAE La Rochelle University School of Management
A representative of the Tourism Intelligence Network of Quebec:
- Marc-Antoine VACHON - Co-holder of the Transat Chair in Tourism, ESG-UQÀM
Finalists of previous editions of the AFMAT Award:
- 2017
- Brigitte AURIACOMBE and Fabienne AUTIER, EM Lyon Business School
- Florence EUZEBY, IAE La Rochelle University School of Management and Juliette Passebois-Ducros, IAE Bordeaux University School of Management
- Dominique PUTHOD, University of Savoie Mont-Blanc
- 2018
- Catherine LEJEALLE, ISC Paris Business School
- Mathilde PULH and Frédéric LASSALLE, IAE Dijon University School of Management
- Sébastien BOUTONNET and Serge POISSON-DE-HARO, HEC Montréal
* Provided that these members are not submitting cases for the award
♦ The 3rd edition of the case award took place during the RIODD Conference, which was held live from the University of Montpellier on 30th September 2021.
The winning case was Du travail autonome à la coopération : les outils de gestion du sens de Coopaname (From self-employed to working as a cooperative: Coopaname’s tools for effective management), by Justine BALLON from the University of Poitiers, Mélissa BOUDES from the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, and Pénélope CODELLO and Martine VÉZINA, both from HEC Montreal. Case available here.
Second place went to the case Croix Rouge Française : évaluation de l'impact social et démarche bottom-up (French Red Cross: assessing social impact and bottom-up approach) by Fiona OTTAVIANI from Grenoble Ecole de Management.Case available here.
In third place was the case Le chanvre contre-attaque ! Dans l’industrie textile & Co, renaissance d’une chaîne de valeur (Hemp strikes back! The rebirth of a value chain in the textile and other related industries) by Alice AUDREZET, Céline BERRIER-LUCAS and Julia PARIGOT from ISG International Business School Paris, and Guillaume CARTON from EMLYON Business School.Case available here.
♦ Due to the cancellation of the RIODD Conference (Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable – International Research Network on Organisations and Sustainable Development), the 2nd Edition of the case award was held by video conference on 1st October 2020.
The award was presented to Julia Parigot, ISG Business School Paris and Guillaume Carton, EM Lyon Business School, for the case study: Poiscaille, start-up dans l'industrie de la pêche : modèle d'affaires alternatif durable (‘Poiscaille, start-up in the fishing industry: an alternative sustainable business model’) - CCMP Ref. G1994
On 30th September 2021, in a case workshop scheduled for late morning, 7 case entries will be competing for the award of the best SD/CSR case. The award will be presented on the same day.
The other finalists:
- Christophe Fournier - IAE Montpellier University School of Management, case study: Comment développer un climat éthique pour une politique RSE efficace ? (How can you develop an ethical environment for an effective CSR policy?)
- Mélanie Jaeck, Cédrine Joly, Maryline Meyer - Montpellier Business School, case study: L'Oréal : Une politique diversité et inclusion de toute(s) beauté(s) (L'Oréal: Diversity and inclusion for every form of beauty)
- Nathalie Montargot, Florence Winkler, Luc Béal - Excelia, case study: Développement durable et RSE au service de la performance globale : L'engagement de l'Hôtel ALTEORA (Sustainable Development and CSR to enhance overall performance: The commitment of Hotel ALTEORA)
The 1st Edition of the award took place in September 2019 in La Rochelle, during the RIODD conference. The winner was Scott McKay, a research-active faculty member at ESG-UQÀM, for a case study entitled: Le projet Oléoduc Energie-Est et la pouponnière des bélugas du Saint-Laurent (The East Energy Pipeline Project and the St. Lawrence Beluga Whale Nursery) - CCMP Ref. R0009
The case centre decided to launch a flipped pedagogy experiment. As organiser of the AFMAT Award for the Best Case in Tourism Management, the case centre thought it would be interesting to involve students in the assessment process.
Students regularly use cases during their studies, so it seemed logical to ask for their opinions about the cases submitted. After having obtained agreement from its partners (CCMP and AFMAT), the case centre modified the call for papers accordingly, to inform those submitting cases of this change.
With this in mind, a new course was designed at Excelia Tourism School.

Two new courses, specifically focussing on case methodology, have been introduced at Excelia Tourism School:
- MSc Year 1 Introductory Course: to learn about case study methods, with student feedback on AFMAT submissions
- MSc Year 2 Advanced Course: students develop their own mini-case or contribute to the writing of a case study in tourism
Students from the Class of 2019 year group were involved in writing part of the case: FIFAV, Festival International du Film d'Aventure : pour ses 15 ans, quelle stratégie de développement ? (FIFAV, International Adventure Film Festival: on the occasion of its 15th anniversary, what should its development strategy be?) (see Cas-thothèque case library). In addition, students from the Class of 2022 have contributed to a case study that is currently being written on Balneology. More specifically, the idea is to reflect upon a new image for Spa Resorts and Spa Towns, working in partnership with Thermauverge, which has coined the concept of ‘Bathrobe addicts’.
AACSB 2019 Innovations That Inspire
Amongst the 2018/2019 initiatives, the AACSB highlighted the flipped learning experience offered by the case centre. This unique approach to pedagogy enables our MSc in Tourism students to assess the cases submitted for the Best Case in Tourism Management Award.

Innovating in partnership with companies
For several years, Excelia has used case studies in its teaching of management.
“On many occasions, I have been asked to define what a case study is, as well as explaining its value as a source of teaching material. If I had to summarise in a few words what a pedagogical case study is, I would say... A case study is an account of a real situation experienced by a real company that is used as a way of learning about management.” Marie-Noëlle Rimaud, Head of Innov Case Lab.
- For research-active faculty, case studies provide real examples that can enrich their course material.
- For companies, case studies provide an opportunity to revisit some of the company’s strategic decisions and, at the very least, an occasion to communicate good practice.
- For students, case studies provide an opportunity to learn through discussion and interaction which, in the long term, will improve their employability.
AFMAT Award (5th Edition, Institut Paul Bocuse), RIODD Award (3rd Edition) / Case conference workshops EurOMA Sustainability Forum (March 2021) and Rendez-vous Champlain tourism training and research symposium, Marrakech (June 2021, by videoconference) / Call for papers ‘Putting CSR into action’, with the journal Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion (Research and Cases in Management Science).
Coordination of three case study workshops: Rendez-vous Champlain (3rd workshop), AFMAT Award (4th Edition), RIODD Award (2nd Edition), in partnership with the CCMP
Submission for the AFM Award for Pedagogical Innovation
Launch of the RIODD CCMP INNOV Case Lab Award for Best Case in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
2nd Edition of Best Case in Tourism Management Award AFMAT CCMP INNOV Case Lab Creation of a lesson using flipped pedagogy ‘observatory of tourism practice using pedagogical case studies’ Year 1 students on the MSc in Tourism participate in the assessment for the AFMAT Award.
Launch of the Best Case in Tourism Management Award AFMAT CCMP INNOV Case Lab
Training workshops on case study methodology, both in-house and externally (CEREGE, ESDES)
Discussion about the possibility of launching a case study methodology lesson for students. The objective: to enable Year 1 MSc students to envisage creating a case study during their final year of studies
Creation of a case study laboratory within Excelia Top Cas award in Marketing from the CCMP (case study about the company Groupe Léa Nature) Best French Case Study award from the North American Case Research Association (case study about the company Maison de Cognac Remy Martin)
Best SMB Case Study award - The ‘Ariane Prize’, FNEGE (case study about the company ENO)
Best SMB Case Study award - The ‘Ariane Prize’, FNEGE (case study about the company Hénaff)
Creation of the post of Executive Manager for Case Studies
- To contribute to the sharing of acquired knowledge through collaboration between companies and research active faculty
- To train Excelia’s faculty, both permanent and temporary, on how to use and incorporate case study methodology (internal courses, CCMP courses, FNEGE courses, etc.)
- To involve students through consultancy projects* and through their theses
- To communicate the benefits of case study methodology and to showcase our partner companies
- To maintain valuable links with case study centres such as CCMP, The Case Centre and HEC Montreal case centre)
* The aim of a consultancy project is for students to take on the role of ‘consultant’ in order to analyse and explore a particular theme or a real issue facing one of our partner companies.
The case centre is particularly interested in the areas of research of Excelia's institutes and its expertise:
- Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), in collaboration with research-active faculty from the IRSI)
- Tourism Management, in collaboration with research-active faculty from the TMI (Tourism Management Institute)
Research-active faculty are encouraged to publish case studies relating to these themes. In the foreseeable future, the objective is to publish a series of case studies focussing on these areas of expertise.
In terms of Sustainable Development and CSR, in April 2016, a book containing 10 CSR case studies was released by DUNOD publishing.
In September 2017, Cas en Marketing - 2ème Edition (Case studies in Marketing, 2nd Edition) was released, with a chapter by Joël Lagier and Marie-Noëlle Rimaud on cultural marketing (The Louvre of the 21st Century).
In addition to focussing on Excelia’s areas of research, the case studies predominantly involve Small and Medium-sized Businesses and emblematic companies from within our region, New Aquitaine.
Autre partenariat privilégié concernant les études de cas, les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises. Plusieurs de nos précédents cas pédagogiques, ont mis en valeur les entreprises de notre territoire, La Rochelle et l'ancienne région (Poitou-Charentes).
Léa Nature, a prominent La Rochelle company.
3 case studies relating to Léa Nature’s distribution policy:
- ‘Comment rendre le bio accessible au plus grand nombre de consommateurs ?’ (How do you make organic products accessible to as many consumers as possible?) CCMP Ref. M1802
VIEW CASE - ‘Comment concilier conviction et intérêt ?’ (How do you reconcile conviction with interest?) CCMP Ref. G1737
VIEW CASE - Top Cas Marketing Award from the CCMP for the case study ‘Repositionnement de la marque Jardin Bio : Face aux mutations du marché du bio alimentaire, quel marketing adopter ?’ (Repositioning the brand – Jardin Bio: Faced with the changes in the organic food market, what kind of marketing strategy should be adopted?) CCMP Ref. M1827
Emblematic actors in the region
‘Stade Rochelais’, La Rochelle’s rugby team: a sports club at its peak, part of the French TOP 14 rugby league; ENO based in Niort, undisputed leader in compact cooking equipment (griddles/hotplates and ovens for boats); Maison Rémy Martin (Cognac), etc.
These cases predominantly stem from local companies, proving the dynamism of our region, enabling us to have a better understanding of what is happening in the field.
Our academic advisors

What is Case Method Teaching?
The aim of a pedagogical case is to encourage learning amongst students and to enable them to put their theoretical knowledge into practice using real-life issues... in other words, to facilitate the interaction between theory and practice.
A pedagogical case constitutes taking an in-depth look at the very heart of a company. The analysis of a real-life issue, which the management are either facing or have had to face, represents above all, the opportunity to experiment with different approaches to solutions. It is essentially about sharing practical experience to encourage a more tangible learning method among students, which is fundamental in preparing them for the world of work.
For HEC Montreal
“A teaching case is a description of a real-life complex situation for the purpose of provoking thought and discussion amongst students, with the aim of generating specific learning outcomes, such as, notably, the development of judgment and critical thinking skills.” Argumentation and the ability to reason are the primary objectives of this exercise. Students are required to defend their solutions, particularly through group discussion. More importantly, however, the conclusions put forward and then applied only have a transient value and will evolve or even be replaced by others that are better suited to the new situation.
For the Case Centre
“Cases recount real life business or management situations that present business executives with a dilemma or uncertain outcome. The case describes the scenario in the context of the events, people and factors that influence it and enables students to identify closely with those involved. Management cases are generally written by business school faculty with particular learning objectives in mind and are refined in the classroom before publication. Relevant documentation or audio-visual items and a carefully crafted teaching note often accompany a case.”
For Harvard Business School
“Case method teaching immerses students into realistic business situations. Cases provide the reality of managerial decision making — which includes incomplete information, time constraints, and conflicting goals — as students learn how to analyze business situations. The case method packs more experience into each hour of learning than any other instructional approach. It stimulates students' thinking and encourages discussion. Not only is it the most relevant and practical way to learn managerial skills, it's exciting and fun.”
An active pedagogical method: two steps
Case studies are increasingly being used in management science programmes, as they provide an opportunity to work in close contact with the professional world, whilst at the same time perfectly illustrating the academic theory being taught.
There are two key steps:
- The creation, submission and publication of the case study
- The integration of the case study into an academic programme (included in the syllabus or course plan)
Applying the CSS principle
Co-developing with companies to co-innovate
Reasons for companies to become involved in developing case studies:
- To have an external point of view, a different perspective on the solutions that have been adopted internally
- To create awareness of the company and enhance its reputation through the School's website, which regularly reports on case studies, particularly when research active faculty is rewarded for the quality of their achievements
- To have the possibility of using all or part of a case for training their own employees (companies that choose to go further, in particular via our Institutes, can decide to use the case as a real decision-making tool, a form of co-innovation).
Examples of how case studies have been used:
- Using a case for training purposes: CCMP Case study G1815 – the partnership of Voie Navigable de France (VNF) and United Paper Mills (UPM) ‘La longue route du papier, UPM au cœur des ressources renouvelables ou comment le report modal peut participer à la stratégie d'une entreprise’ (The long road of paper, UPM at the heart of renewable resources or how the modal shift can participate in the strategy of a company). This case was reworked with the teams from VNF to be used for internal training.
- Using a case in decision-making: Partnerships with Remy Martin, Hénaff and Tauzia.
"Cas-thothèque"… our case study library
Some of the School’s cases
‘Sustainability in the Cognac Supply Chain’ Morgane Fritz, published by The Case Centre, available here
Worldcast Group : COVID-19, éducation et solution média, une opportunité de développement à l'international
(Worldcast Group: COVID-19, education and media solutions, an international development opportunity)
Author: Florence Winkler - CCMP reference: GI004 Available here
AGEAN Airlines: Overflying Risks with no Turbulences
Author: Athanase PLASTIRAS - CCMP reference: C0488 (GB) Available here
BOULANGER : pilotage de la performance dans une entreprise de distribution omnicanale
(BOULANGER: performance management in an omnichannel distribution company)
Authors: Christian HADDAD, Elie SALAMEH (EDHEC) - CCMP reference: C0486 Available here
MAIF : stratégie d’une mutuelle à mission
(MAIF: strategy for a mutual insurance company with a mission)
Authors: Philippe SCHAFER, Thibault CUENOUD, Vincent HELFRICH, Gabriel LUCCHINI-MOYAL (MAIF) and Marie LAPALLE (MAIF) - CCMP reference: G2042 Available here
Coopératives d’Argane : entre ombre et lumière
Auteurs : Marie-Noëlle Rimaud, Diallo Laouratou (Faculté des Sciences de Gestion ISIAM-Agadir), L’Hocine Houanti (EM Normandie) - CCMP RSE Marketing Available here
Groenland KALAALLIT NUNAAT, le défi : faire le pari d'un tourisme durable qui profite à tous
(The Challenge for Greenland or KALAALLIT NUNAAT: sustainable tourism for the benefit of all)
Author: Marie-Noëlle Rimaud - CCMP reference: D0006
La Grande Terrasse: How to attract a foreign clientele both in leisure and business
Author: Didier Roche Case Center reference: 520-0153-1 - Teaching note reference no. 520-0153-8
Palace Revolution for Castelnau Champagne: Packaging, Storytelling, CSR: What Future for Champagne Companies?
(French version and English version)
Author: Marie-Noëlle Rimaud Case Center reference: 521-0090-1 - Teaching note reference no. 521-0090-8
RIVAGES de FRANCE : 30 ans au service des gestionnaires d’espaces naturels littoraux et lacustres ?
(RIVAGES de FRANCE: 30 years of service dedicated to the management of natural coastal and lake environments)
Authors: Jérôme Piriou, Marie-Noëlle Rimaud CCMP reference: D0008 CSR, Marketing

Case study ‘Hôtel ALTEORA : Développement durable et RSE au service de la performance globale’ (Hotel ALTEORA: Sustainable Development and CSR to enhance overall performance)
Authors: Nathalie Montargot, Florence Winkler, Luc Béal
© CCMP 2019 Ref. R0012

Case study ‘Boulanger : un distributeur qui s'engage dans l'économie circulaire’ (Boulanger: a retailer committed to the circular economy)
Authors: Vincent Helfrich, Philippe Schafer
© CCMP 2019 Ref. D0003

Case study ‘Groupe Hautier Transports : Comment ancrer une démarche de Responsabilité Sociétale auprès de tous ses salariés ?’ (Hautier Transport Group: How can you ensure that Corporate Social Responsibility is adopted by all employees?)
Authors: Fanny Romestant, Vincent Helfrich, Pierre Baret Special
Award for the Best Case in SD/CSR, RIODD (2019)

Case study ‘HCTC : école hôtelière au service des minorités’ (HCTC: Hotel & Catering School helping minorities)
Authors: Mathieu PAQUEROT - IAE La Rochelle University School of Management, Anne QUEFFELEC - LM Business Games, Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD - Excelia La Rochelle, INNOV Case Lab
© CCMP 2019 Ref. R0006

Case study ‘FIFAV, Festival International du Film d'Aventure : pour ses 15 ans, quelle stratégie de développement ?’ (FIFAV, International Adventure Film Festival: on the occasion of its 15th anniversary, what should its development strategy be?)
Author: Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD
© CCMP 2019 Ref. GP0015

Case study ‘Léman sans frontière, une collaboration marketing franco-suisse pour développer une destination touristique transfrontalière’ (Lake Geneva Beyond Borders – a Franco-Swiss marketing collaboration to develop a cross-border tourism destination)
Author: Jérôme PIRIOU 2019 AFMAT
Award for the Best Pedagogical Case in Tourism Management
© CCMP 2019

Case study ‘Touche Pas à Mon Poste : « bad buzz » et gestion de crise’ (Don’t touch my job: bad buzz and crisis management)
Authors: Souad DJELASSI - IUT Roubaix (University Lille 2), Anne QUEFFELEC - LM Business Games, Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD - Excelia
© CCMP Ref. K0012

Case study ‘Diffuz : développer le réseau social et solidaire en ligne de la Macif’ (Diffuz: developing the social and solidarity network of the MACIF)
Author: Valentina Kirova
© CCMP Ref. M1991

Case study ‘Le droit, la morale et l’éthique’ (Law, Morality and Ethics)
Author: Isabelle Baudet
© CCMP Ref. J0090

October 2015: Award for Best Case Study written in French NACRA – North American Case Research Association for the case ‘La Maison de Cognac Remy Martin’ (Remy Martin Cognac)
Authors: Valentina KIROVA, Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD
© CCMP Ref. M1922

June 2015: CCMP Top Cas Marketing Award for the case ‘Repositionnement de la marque Jardin Bio : Face aux mutations du marché du bio alimentaire, quel marketing adopter ?’ (Repositioning the brand - Jardin Bio: Faced with the changes in the organic food market, what kind of marketing strategy should be adopted?) Authors: Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD, Imed BEN NASR
© CCMP Ref. M1827

2014: ‘LECOANET HEMANT : le redressement d'une PME avec « l'action learning »’ (LECOANET HEMANT: the recovery of an SMB using ‘Action Learning’)
Author: Daniel BELET
© CCMP Ref. H0609

2011: Award for Best SMB Case Study – FNEGE Ariane Award for the case ‘Hénaff : de l'utilité d'une stratégie RSE pour renforcer son capital marque sur les réseaux sociaux’ (Hénaff: the value of a CSR strategy to strengthen its brand equity on social media)
Authors: Anne QUEFFELEC, Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD
© CCMP Ref. G1750

2013: ‘La nouvelle Cie du Ponant : lorsque le spécialiste français du yachting de luxe et des croisières polaires s'interroge sur son avenir !’ (Ponant – when a French specialist in the luxury yachting and polar cruise industry questions its future!)
Authors: Marie-Noëlle RIMAUD, Véronique MONDOU
© CCMP Ref. M1854

2014: ‘LECOANET HEMANT : le redressement d'une PME avec « l'action learning »’ (LECOANET HEMANT: the recovery of an SMB using ‘Action Learning’) Author: Daniel BELET
© CCMP Ref. H0609
Additional cases can be found on the CCMP website, as well as on the following sites: The Case Centre, HEC Montreal Case Centre.
Editorial Board
Marie-Noëlle Rimaud
Head of INNOV Case Lab
Research-active faculty member, Marketing Teaching Department Areas of research: Event and Leisure Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Integrated Coastal Management Skype: rimaudmn
+ 33 (0)5 46 51 77 64
Jean-François Trinquecoste
Scientific Research Advisor University Professor Director of the IRGO – Institut de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations (Institute for Research in Organisational Management), IAE Bordeaux University School of Management
Agnès Naudon
Executive Assistant –
Faculty & Accreditations Assistant
+33 (0)5 16 19 63 07
INNOV Case Lab
Excelia Case Centre
Room 64 and Teaching Lab Media Library
102 rue de Coureilles,
Les Minimes
La Rochelle Cedex 1
Game Lab

Liliane Carmagnac, Research-active Lecturer, Joint Head of Game Lab.
Clément Desgourdes, Research-active Lecturer, Joint Head of Game Lab.
At Excelia, learning through play is a serious business! Game Lab, created in 2018, supports, stimulates and promotes the creation and use of recreational resources such as role-playing, board games, business games, consultancy projects, scriptwriting (such as video creation, drama), as well as the use of comic strips, quizzes, etc.
Edutainment helps to motivate learners, to involve them by making them actors of their own education, to promote the acquisition and memorisation of knowledge and theories… this is the challenge of introducing games into our programmes.
Learners work on the interpretation of new, real-life situations, encouraging them to give the best of themselves. The results are astonishing! They learn in a more effective and enjoyable way, and this knowledge becomes ingrained in their long-term memory.