Supply Chain, Purchasing & Project Management Department -
French -
Teaching specialisations
Project Management, Research Methodology -
Areas of research
Change Management, Roles and behaviors of actors in times of change, Leadership, Well-being at Work -
Production manager for 6 years at the automotive supplier Schaeffler (from 2008 to 2011) and then at the Amazon logistics centre (from 2011 to 2014), Clément Desgourdes began his career in teaching and research in 2015 as a contractual doctoral student and then as an ATER. His main teaching interests are in project management, production and quality management, as well as the supervision of collective and individual projects.
His research work focuses mainly on the roles and behaviours of actors in times of change: study of change adoption processes; study of the influence of managers on their employees (leadership, sensemaking, sensegiving); measurement of employees' attitudes towards change (well-being at work, commitment and attitude towards change). A mixed methodology is generally used in my studies.
Clément Desgourdes holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Tours and joins Excelia Business School in 2019 as an assistant professor in project management and co-leader of the GameLab.
PhD in Management Sciences, VALLOREM
Master 2 Recherche en Management, IAE de Tours, France
Production Engineer, Business Administration, Management, Ecole Polytech'Orléans, France
Deputy Head, Supply Chain, Purchasing & Project Management Department, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Coresponsable Gamelab, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Research Active Faculty - Assistant Professor, Excelia, La Rochelle, France
Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant, IAE de Tours, Tours, France
Expert in student committee Hcères, HCERES - Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur, , France
Contract doctoral student with teaching mission, IAE de Tours, Tours, France
Journal articles
DESGOURDES, C., RAM, J. (2024). The role of big data analytics for decision-making in projects: uses and challenges. Enterprise Information Systems.DESGOURDES, C., HASNAOUI, J., UMAR, M., GONZALEZ-FELIU, J. (2023). Decoding laissez-faire leadership: an in-depth study on its influence over employee autonomy and well-being at work. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. doi:10.1007/s11365-023-00927-5.LEROY, D., DESGOURDES, C. (2020). Proposition d'une échelle de mesure du sensegiving en période de changement organisationnel. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion (139), pp. 197-223. -
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
NDAYIRATA, S., NIGLIS , P., BURGUNDER, I. I., DESGOURDES, C. (2023). Le lien entre la qualité du travail empêchée et la fidélité des employés : une lecture autour de la théorie de l’échange social. Ajaccio -Corse: 35ème Congrès de l'AGRH.Papers presented at academic or professional meetings
DESGOURDES, C. (2022). Être un leader efficace en l’absence de leadership. Créapi.DESGOURDES, C. (2022). Proposition d’une échelle de mesure de l’attitude envers le changement, une alternative au concept d’engagement dans le changement. Créapi.DESGOURDES, C., LEROY, D. (2019). Proposition d'une échelle de mesure du sensegiving en période de changement organisationnel. colloque MABEST (Management des Activités du Bien-Être et de la Santé & Territoires), Clermont-Ferrand. Clermont-Ferrand: MABEST (Management des Activités du Bien-être de la Santé et Territoires).DESGOURDES, C., LEROY, D. (2019). Mesure de l'influence du sensegiving sur l'engagement au travail des salariés en période de changement organisationnel. AIMS (association Internationale de Management Stratégique). Colloque AIMS.DESGOURDES, C. (2019). Proposition d'une échelle de mesure de l'attitude des salariés face au changement. AGRH H (Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines), Bordeaux. AGRH.