A dedicated Disability Unit

Dispositif Handicap Excelia

Excelia, an inclusive school that places disability at the heart of its commitments

As part of its determination to offer all of its students the same opportunities for success, Excelia is more than ever committed to the vocational integration of people with disabilities. The school currently welcomes some 152 students who have a registered disability and makes it a priority to provide them with dedicated support and guidance. 

"With the realisation of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, once can build a better world"
Dalaï Lama

The objective of our disability initiative is to meet the needs and expectations of those Excelia students with disabilities by...

  • adapting exams and academic studies accordingly
  • helping with any equipment or assistance needed
  • providing contacts with partner companies for internships or work-study opportunities
  • providing general help and advice
  • organising Handicafés (meetings with companies)
  • lending equipment (computers for exams, wheelchairs, comfortable seating in amphitheaters, active sitting balls, etc...)

We also offer support to students who wish to have their disability recognised.


Unseen disabilities

In the collective subconscious, the word ‘disability’ almost inevitably conjures up a visible physical condition, but what we don’t realise is that the majority of disabilities are not visible. In France, there are 12 million people with disabilities, including 9 million with an invisible disability, which can take a variety of forms: hearing problems, impaired vision, bipolarity, dyslexia, autism, epileptic seizures, etc. Although invisible, these conditions are no less debilitating. They have an unquestionable impact on the daily lives of those who suffer from them. Whether visible or not, disability is one of Excelia’s priorities, and the school has put in place a range of measures to ensure that every learner with a disability can study in the best possible conditions.


How to find out more about the formalities

If you have a registered disability, we recommend you to take the necessary steps to benefit from special arrangements to facilitate your enrolment at Excelia: an additional one-third time for exams, loan of a computer, adapted lesson and exam support materials, financial aid for the purchase of equipment, etc.  

If you didn’t declare your disability when you first applied, it’s not too late! You can still get in touch with Pauline Alaoui.

A former Excelia student and recently graduate of our MSc in Audi & Consultancy, testifies to the quality of the support he received:

“There is a disability advisor at the school who is very attentive. I’d recommend all students with disabilities to go and meet her, because she’s so helpful. Thanks to Excelia, I obtained my hearing aids free of charge, as they were able to recommend an association that could finance the cost of €5,000.

The same is true for Hortense, a student in Year 2 of the BBA International:

“I benefit from special arrangements… I have a third more time for exams, a computer and a private room with secretarial assistance. I’m particularly well looked after and supported in my studies. Excelia’s admin teams are very attentive and easy to talk to.

Contact Pauline Alaoui

Network of partner associations


The FÉDÉEH is the national federation for the advancement of young people with disabilities, which offers a variety of services including:

  • Discussions and talks related to different practices
  • Meetings with companies (Handicafés)
  • National Events
  • Awarding of scholarships



Studies - Disabilities - Companies

This association provides a link between the world of education and the world of work by offering personalised support for students with disabilities.



Association for the social and vocational integration of those with disabilities.

Frédéric BRETTON - Delegate for Charente-Maritime

Hanploi & School

To raise awareness and provide information on disabilities.


Partenaires handicap

Associations providing assistance for people with disabilities

Associations handicap

Contact us

Pauline Alaoui: +33(0)546517700
Contact us by email

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